  • Irrigation & Waterways Department


Search Orders
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Orders are given below :

Sl. No Date Memo No Subject Document
1 2022-01-14 89-IE 2nd Higher Scale of Pay of 1 no. of Junior Engineer(Civil) View
2 2022-01-14 87-IE Confirmation of 2 no.s of Junior Engineer(s) (Civil) View
3 2022-01-14 88-IE Higher Scale of Pay of 1 no. of Junior Engineer(Civil) View
4 2022-01-14 91-IE Higher Scale of Pay of 1 no. of Junior Engineer(Civil) View
5 2022-01-14 86-IE Higher scale of following Junior Engineer (Civil) View
6 2022-01-11 84-IE Confirmation of 2 no.s of Junior Engineer(s)(Civil) View
7 2022-01-07 70-IE Take over the charge of Financial Advisor View
8 2022-01-07 20-IE Higher Scale of Pay of 3 no.s of Junior Engineer(s) (Civil) View
9 2022-01-07 21-IE Confirmation of 1 no. of Junior Engineer(Civil) View
10 2022-01-07 19-IE Higher Scale of pay of 1 no. of Junior Engineer View
11 2022-01-07 16-IE NOC for the post facto permission of Bachelor of Engineering to the Junior Engineer (Civil) View
12 2022-01-07 17-IE NOC for the post facto permission of Bachelor of Engineering to the Junior Engineer (Civil) View
13 2022-01-05 12-IE Higher Scale of Pay of 1 no. of Junior Engineer View
14 2022-01-05 13-IE Confirmation of 3 no.s of Junior Engineer(s) View
15 2022-01-04 10-IE Confirmation of 7 no.s of Junior Engineer(s) View
16 2022-01-03 311-IE 1 no. of Junior Engineer(Civil) is hereby granted ex post facto permission for pursuing Bachelor of engineering View
17 2022-01-03 25-IE Pattern duty View
18 2022-01-03 08-IE Higher Scale of Pay of 1 no. of Executive Engineer(Civil) View
19 2022-01-03 05-IE 2nd Higher Scale of Pay of 2 no.s of Junior Engineer(s) View
20 2022-01-03 06-IE Corrigendum of Order No.-2399-IE DT:03.01.2022 View